Sunday, March 2, 2008

March Holidays

March is...
Optimism Month
American Red Cross Month
Music in Our School Month
National Craft Month
National Frozen Food Month
National Noodle Month
National Nutrition Month
Woman’s History Month
Youth Art Month

Week-long Observances:
Week 1 – Newspaper in Our School Week
Week 2 – Bubble Gum Week
Week 2 – Crochet Week
Week 3 – National Poison Awareness Week (March 16-22)

March 1
National Pig Day
Peanut Butter Lover’s Day
Saint David’s Day in Wales (UK)
Share a Smile Day

March 2
Dr. Seuss’s Birthday
Read Across America Day

March 3
Doll Festival (in Japan)
National Anthem Day

March 4
National Poundcake Day

March 5
Multiple Personalities Day
Parachute was Invented

March 6
Dentist Day
Oreo Cookies go on sale for the 1st time in 1912

March 7
Telephone Patent granted in 1876

March 8
Working Women’s Day

March 9
Daylight Savings Time Begins: SPRING FORWARD! - Daylight Saving Time (DST) begins at 2 a.m. on March 9, so move clocks AHEAD one hour. DST ends at 2am on November 2, 2008.
Barbie’s Birthday
Buzzard Day
No Smoking Day
Panic Day

March 10
Commonwealth Day
First Paper Money Issued in 1862

March 11
First public basketball game in 1892

March 12
Girl Scout Day

March 13
Good Samaritan Day

March 14
Pi Day
Potato Chip Day

March 15
Ides of March

March 16
Everything You Do Is Right Day
Freedom of Information Day

March 17
Rubber Band Invented in 1845
St. Patrick’s Day
Submarine Day

March 18
Sparky the Fire Dog’s Birthday
First Walk in Space in 1965
Johnny Appleseed Day

March 19
Swallow’s Return Day – the traditional return of swallows to San Juan Capistrano

March 20
Big Bird’s Birthday
First Day of Spring!
National Quilting Day
Purim begins at sundown

March 21
Children’s Poetry Day
Chinese Lantern Festival
National Teen-agers Day
Single Parents’ Day

March 22
National Goof Off Day
National Sing-Out Day

March 23
Toast Day

March 24
Chocolate Covered Raisin Day
Harry Houdini’s Birthday

March 25
Greek Independence Day
Pancakes first made in New York City in 1882

March 26
Make Up Your Own Holiday Day

March 27
National “Joe” Day – everyone who hates their name can be called Joe this day

March 28
Something on a Stick Day

March 29
Coca-cola invented in 1886

March 30
Alaska Purchased from Russia in 1867
Doctor’s Day
Pencil with Eraser Patented in 1858

March 31
Cesar Chavez Day
First Map of the US published
Tater Day

Source:’s Family Crafts

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