Monday, June 25, 2007

Ten Reasons to Buy Real Estate

Ten Reasons to Buy Real Estate

1. Appreciating Asset
2. Tax Write-off
3. Improvable Asset
4. Renting is a Short-Term Advantage, While Owning is Long-Term, Toward More Benefits and Being Wealthier.
5. Credit Scores of Home Owners are Higher!
6. Leverage Your Home.
7. No Landlord! 15 Day Grace Period for Mortgage Payments.
8. Capital Gain Exclusion.
9. Real Estate as an Inflation Edge.
10. Home Ownership Builds Wealth in Two Ways:
a. Through the "Forced Savings" of Paying Down a Mortgage, and
b. Through Appreciation - the Rise in the Home's Value Over Time.

- RealtyTimes.

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