Sunday, February 3, 2008

February Holidays

February is...
American Heart Month
American History Month
Black History Month
Children’s Dental Health Month
International Friendship Month
National Cherry Month
National Embroidery Month
National Grapefruit Month
National Snack Food Month
National Wild Bird Feeding Month
Responsible Pet Owners’ Month

February 1
National Freedom Day

February 2
Groundhog Day

February 3
Elmo’s Birthday (remember him from Sesame Street?)

February 4
Create a Vacuum Day

February 5
Super Tuesday: Primary Elections in California
Disaster Day
Mexico’s Constitution Day
National Weatherperson’s Day
Mardi Gras and Fat Tuesday

February 6
Ash Wednesday

February 7
Chinese New Year celebrates the Year of the Rat

February 8
Boy Scouts’ Day

February 9
Hershey’s Chocolate is founded
Toothache Day (makes me wonder if there’s a relationship between these 2 this day)

February 10
Umbrella Day

February 11
Clean Out Your Computer Day
Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day
National Foundation Day in Japan
National Inventor’s Day, in honor of Thomas Edison’s birthday
White T-Shirt Day
February 12
Barbie Dolls go on sale for the first time (long ago)

February 13
Get a Different Name Day

February 14
Ferris Wheel Day
National Organ Donor Day
Saint Valentine’s Day

February 15
National Flag Day in Canada
National Gumdrop Day

February 16
Nylon was patented in 1937 by DuPont

February 17
Random Acts of Kindness Day
February 18
Family Day in Canada
President’s Day

February 19
Chocolate Mint Day

February 20
Hoodie Hog Day – you’re supposed to go outside to shout “Hoodie-hoo!” to scare away Winter and make way for Spring
Toothpick patented in 1872

February 21
Love Your Pet Day

February 22
Be Humble Day
World Thinking Day

February 23
International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day

February 25
Paper Currency introduced in the U.S. in 1862

February 26
Carnival Day

February 27
No-Brainer Day
Polar Bear Day

February 28
Public Sleeping Day
National Chili Day

February 29
Leap Day

Sources: and Over the Fence Newsletter

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